Club Impact: Academic Success at Distance Learning Clubs

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This school year has been unlike any other, but because of your support, we have been able to provide hundreds of Members safety and consistency so they can focus on their classwork. And the effort is making a huge difference! We recently heard from a teacher who shared some incredible progress two students have made after joining our Distance Learning Club in Petaluma. Below is the note we received: 

Hi Sarah, 

I wanted to thank you and your staff for all of your hard work so far during distance learning. I am working on report cards and I wanted you to know how big of an impact you all have made in the students’ success. Here are their Points Earned comparisons before and after joining Boys & Girls Club. 
- Grant went from 14% to 87% since joining. 
- Leo went from 27% to 86% since joining. 

Please let your staff know how much I appreciate them. 

Thank you again, 

Mrs. C 


Team Talk: Meet Jenny!


Team Talk: Meet Danny!