Presently, 1 in 5 Sonoma County kids reports gang activity before the 8th Grade and 70% of the 1,362 youth booked in Sonoma County reported a gang designation. In addition, 97% of subsequent violent offenses are committed by these gang involved youth.
We know these young people need our help. The Club @ Juvenile Hall inside Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall in Santa Rosa opened in October of 2011 and expanded with our REACH re-entry program in January of 2013.
Re-Entering our community to achieve Academic success, good Character and a Healthy lifestyle (REACH)
Whether incarcerated, on probation, or participating in diversion services, we strive to help young people feel competent, useful, a sense of belonging, and as if they have influence over their lives.
In our REACH program, we work with these young people in six program areas through intensive case management session, training workshops, and group activities. Each young person entering our program crafts an Individual REACH Plan to make progress in the areas of WORK, EDUCATION, RELATIONSHIPS, COMMUNITY, HEALTH and CREATIVITY.
For more information on Diversion & Intervention Services, the REACH program, or The Club @ Juvenile Hall, please call (707) 528-7977