BGC Athletics 2024-2025
Junior High & High School Fall Basketball League (grades 7-12)
Fall Volleyball League (grades 6-8)
K-2 Basketball Clinics (grades K-2)
FALL SEASON: October-December
K-2 Basketball League (grades K-2)
Fall Volleyball Clinics (grades 3-8)
Girls Basketball Clinic (grades 3-6)
Winter Basketball League (grades 3-12)
Indoor Soccer Clinics (grades 2-8)
Beginners Basketball Clinic (grades 3-6)
Intermediate Level Basketball Clinic (grades 5-8)
Tee Ball League (pre-K/Kinder)
Spring Volleyball League (grades 6-8)
Indoor Soccer League (grades 2-8)
Spring Basketball League (grades K-3)
Coach Pitch Baseball Clinic (grades 1-3)
Spring Volleyball Clinic (grades 3-6)
Lower Division (entering grade 3-5 in the 2025-26 school year)
Middle Division (entering grade 5-7 in the 2025-26 school year)
Upper Division (entering grade 7-9 in the 2025-26 school year)
High School Division (entering grade 8-12 in the 2025-26 school year)
Half-day sports camps for 1st-8th graders.
Soccer, volleyball, basketball, flag football, and dodgeball!
All camps take place in Petaluma at the Boys & Girls Club, Lucchesi Park Clubhouse.
Schedule and registration link coming soon!
Note: The Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma-Marin has a no-refund policy. Please do not sign up for a program if you are not sure your schedule will allow participation.
Spring Basketball League
(Grades K-4)
REGISTRATION: Open 12/1/2024 until full. Space is limited. Late registrants are not guaranteed a spot on a team.
LOWER DIVISION (K-1st) - Developmental League - Small courts, 8’ hoops, no keeping score
MIDDLE DIVISION (1st-2nd) – Developmental League - Small courts, 8’ hoops, no keeping score
UPPER DIVISION (2nd-4th Grade) – Recreational League - Full court, 10’ hoops
SEASON DATES: 3/24/2025 - 5/31/2025 (no games or practices 4/7-4/12 or 5/24)
SCHEDULE: Teams play twice per week: one weekday evening practice and one Saturday practice or game. Weekday practices scheduled for 5:15 or 6:15 PM, Mon-Thurs. Teams keep their same weekday practice schedule throughout the season.
LOCATION: All games and practices take place in Petaluma at Cavanagh Recreation Center. Some practices or games may be scheduled for Lucchesi Park Clubhouse.
LEVEL: This is a recreational league. Players of all levels of experience are welcome to play.
TEAM FORMATION: Every effort will be made to accommodate friend and coach requests.
COST: $175 (jersey included)
Spring Indoor Soccer League
(Grades 2-8)
REGISTRATION: Open 12/1/2024 until full. Space is limited. Late registrants are not guaranteed a spot on a team.
LOWER DIVISION (2nd-3rd Grade)
SEASON DATES: 3/24/2025 - 5/31/2025 (no games or practices 4/7-4/12 or 5/24)
SCHEDULE: Teams play twice per week: one weekday evening practice on Monday or Tuesday evening, and one Saturday practice or game.
LOCATION: All games and practices take place in Petaluma at Lucchesi Park Clubhouse.
LEVEL: This is a recreational league. Players of all levels of experience are welcome to play.
TEAM FORMATION: Every effort will be made to accommodate friend and coach requests.
COST: $175 (jersey included)
Spring Tee Ball and Baseball Clinic
(Grades Pre-K – 3rd Grade)
REGISTRATION: Open 12/1/2024 until full. Space is limited. Late registrants are not guaranteed a spot.
TEE BALL LEAGUE (ages 4-6, Pre-K, TK, and Kindergarten)
SEASON DATES: 3/24/2025 - 5/31/2025 (no games or practices 4/7-4/12 or 5/24-5/26)
SCHEDULE: Teams play twice per week: one weekday evening practice, and one Saturday practice or game.
LOCATION: All games and practices take place in Petaluma on the field at Loma Vista Immersion Academy (across the street from the Boys & Girls Club Lucchesi Park Clubhouse, 203 Maria Drive).
LEVEL: This is developmental tee ball/baseball. Players of all levels of experience are welcome to play. Complete beginners welcome!
TEE BALL DETAILS: Tee ball teams will be organized by school affiliation and buddy/coach requests. Teams are coached by parent volunteers. Coaches may request specific practice days. Teams will have two weeks of twice per week practices 3/24-4/5. After spring break (4/7-4/12) teams will only practice on weekdays and will play games on Saturdays.
COACH PITCH BASEBALL CLINIC DETAILS: The clinic takes place on Tuesdays 5-6 PM and Saturdays 11AM-12PM. Families can choose which day to attend practice or may attend both weekly practices at no additional cost. The clinic is coached by BGC Athletics staff with the assistance of parent volunteers. Each practice includes working on basic skills (throwing, catching, batting, fielding, base-running) and scrimmaging. The final day of the clinic (5/31) will be a full-length game that friends and family are welcome to come watch and cheer on.
TEAM FORMATION: Every effort will be made to accommodate friend and coach requests.
COST: $175 (jersey included)
Spring Volleyball League
(Grades 3-8)
REGISTRATION: Open 12/1/2024 until full. Space is limited. Late registrants are not guaranteed a spot on a team.
SEASON DATES: 3/24/2025 - 5/31/2025 (no games or practices 4/7-4/12)
DEVELOPMENTAL LEAGUE SCHEDULE: Players register for their preferred practice day (Wed or Thurs). Practices take place from 5:15-6:15 PM. From the week of March 24 through the end of April, players attend practices once per week. At the end of April, teams are announced (every player makes a team). Starting in May, teams play games on Saturdays in the late afternoon/early evening. Players continue to attend their regular practice day/time throughout the season. The Developmental Division is coached by BGC Athletics staff with the assistance of parent volunteers.
RECREATIONAL LEAGUE SCHEDULE: Players are divided into teams based on school affiliation and friend/coach requests. Teams practice on Wednesday or Thursday evenings at 6:15 or 7:15 PM. For the first two weeks, teams will also practice on Friday evenings at 5:15, 6:15 or 7:15 PM. After spring break (4/7-4/12), teams will continue to practice on Wed or Thurs and will play games on Friday evenings.
LOCATION: All games and practices take place in Petaluma at Lucchesi Park Clubhouse.
LEVEL: Players of all levels of experience, including beginners, are welcome to play.
TEAM FORMATION: Every effort will be made to accommodate friend and coach requests.
COST: $175 (jersey included)
Summer Basketball League
(Grades 3-12)
REGISTRATION: Open 2/1/2025 until full. Space is limited. Late registrants are not guaranteed a spot on a team.
LOWER DIVISION – Grades 3-5 – Wednesday, June 11, 5:30-6:30 PM
MIDDLE DIVISION – Grades 5-7 – Tuesday, June 10, 5:30-6:30 PM
UPPER DIVISION – Grades 7-9 – Monday, June 9, 5:30-6:30 PM
HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION – Grades 8-12, Thursday, June 12, 5:30-6:30 PM
A note on divisions: Divisions are based on the grade your player will be entering in the 2025-26 school year (e.g. current 2nd graders are 3rd graders for the summer league). In general, rising 5th graders should register for the Middle Division and rising 7th graders should register for the Upper Division, unless they are new to the sport and need a season of playing with and against younger players to build their skills and confidence. Rising 8th graders who have competitive basketball experience or who hope to play in high school may want to register for the high school division so they can play at a higher level of competition.
SEASON DATES: 6/16/2025 - 8/8/2025 (no games or practices 7/4)
TRAVELING THIS SUMMER? We know that some families may be traveling for part of the summer. We have a place on registration for you to indicate which week(s) your player will be unable to play. We will use this information to balance rosters so that teams are not short players on game days.
SCHEDULE: Teams play twice per week, weeknights only. In general, Lower Division practices and games will take place from 5:15-6:15 PM. Middle Division will play 6:15-7:15 PM. Upper Division will play 7:15-8:15 PM. High School division will play 8:15-9:15 PM. There may be some games scheduled for one hour earlier or later than the typical play time for a division (i.e. Middle Division teams may occasionally play games at 5:15 or 7:15 PM).
LOCATION: All games and practices take place in Petaluma at Lucchesi Park Clubhouse.
LEVEL: This is a recreational league. Players of all levels of experience are welcome to play.
TEAM FORMATION: In an effort to create balanced teams, we do not take friend requests for the summer league. Players will be evaluated during evaluation week. Coaches will use the evaluations to created teams of equivalent skill level. If players need to miss evaluations, parents can email the athletic director with information about their player’s skill level to help coaches know where to place their player.
COST: $175 (jersey included)