How do I designate who can pick up my child?
Members are required to sign in when they arrive at the Club and sign out when they leave. All persons picking up a Member must be listed on the Member's Emergency Contact form (Member can be granted permission to walk home from Club on a Member by Member basis; these Members must have a permission slip on file in order to walk home by themselves).
Will my child be grouped with children their own age?
In general, Members are grouped with other Members close to their age throughout the day. However, all Members interact with Members of all ages during Club Huddles and kid’s choice recreation time.
Can my child bring their toys, cell phone or other electronic devices to club?
We do not allow cell phones or electronic devices at Club. Every Club has a phone line that parents may use to contact their Member in the event that they need to do so. Clubs cannot be held responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property. Therefore, we strongly recommend leaving all personal possessions at home.
Does Club provided snack or can I send snack with my child?
Some clubs provide snack for Members. Please check in with the Program Director. Any food allergies should be communicated to Program Directors in advance. As Clubs work to stress the importance of healthy food choices, please do not send your child to Camp with fast food, candy, or soda. Also, refrigeration and/or microwaves will not be available to Members. Please pack foods they can enjoy at room temperature or cold.
What is the dress code?
All Members are encouraged to dress in a manner that allows full participation in our programs. Please keep in mind the Club will follow all dress code expectations outlined by the partnering school district. We request your cooperation in following dress guidelines:
Sneakers or closed toed shoes are preferred. Please no flip-flops.
Please do not wear half-shirts, skirts above mid-thigh and or any clothing that does not cover the chest to mid-thigh.
Please do not wear clothing that demeans women, men, or any other group or depicts drugs or alcohol.
Gang symbolism and attire is not allowed at the Club including associated color restrictions.
Members take hats off while inside the Club.
What happens if I am late for pick up?
Clubs close promptly at 5:30 or 6:00 PM (check with the Program Director on the exact time for your Club). Members must be picked up by this time. If you know you are going to be late, please contact us immediately. Keep in mind that our Team Members cannot leave until every Member is picked up. In the event that a child is not picked up by closing hours Team Members will make every attempt to contact the parent/guardian and emergency contacts. CPS and/or the local police department will be contacted after one hour if attempts to reach the parent/guardian fail.
First Late Pick-Up – Parent/guardian is given a warning.
Second Late Pick-Up – There will be a $5.00 charge for the first 10 minutes or any portion thereof and an additional charge of $1.00 for every minute after. Members will only be allowed to return once that payment has been received.