Santa Rosa Summer Camps
Area Director: CCLA & Lincoln Elementary Camps
Rachel Cohn | (707) 919-0557
Area Director: Brook Hill, SR Charter for the Arts, & Piner High Camps
Demitri Tabora | (707) 583-1557
Camp Details
Camps for current TK-6th graders will be held at Lincoln Elementary, Brook Hill Elementary, Cesar Chavez language Academy; Camp for current 1-5th graders at Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts; and Camp for incoming 4th-8th graders will be held at Piner High School.
**Note: Only students registered at a Santa Rosa City School may attend these Camps. Please click this link to complete the district application before registering for our Summer Camp programs. Once the district application is completed, someone from our team will contact you. Thank you!
Students may not be enrolled in overlapping District Programs and cannot be transported to other locations. Some Camp locations are dependent on the School the child currently attends.