School Reopening & Club Services

Update from February 25, 2021

1. How will the Club operate when Schools Reopen? Will there be after-school Clubs on my campus? What about full day Clubs when my student isn’t on Campus?

Short Answer: It depends on which Club you plan to attend.

We are committed to providing high quality learning programs for families in all learning models during the pandemic. We do and will continue to follow all state & local guidance as we pivot between various school day models.

When requested by our school partners, we will offer traditional after-school programs with stable Club groups. Other partners may request that we continue to provide Distance Learning Clubs Only. Information by school district will be posted to our Club Sign-Up pages as they are finalized.

(Note: All Club services will be offered in compliance with state & local COVID-19 guidance and is subject to change upon receipt of new guidance.)

2. What guidance are you following & how does it impact how my child is grouped with other students?

When Schools reopen we will follow what is referred to as “stable groups guidance”. This may or may not result in changes to our Club cohorts.

The stable groups is guidance outlined in this document: COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Instruction Framework & Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2020-2021 School Year. “This document is intended to provide an update to the COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Learning Framework for K-12 Schools in California, 2020- 2021 School Year (July 17, 2020) guidance. This document also provides a consolidation of content from other CDPH COVID-19 and school-related guidance and supersedes previous CDPH COVID-19 and Cal/OSHA school guidance.”

Currently, it is our understanding that schools & child care programs are required to maintain stable groups to limit COVID-19 exposure and support contact tracing efforts. The guidance does not state that these have to be the SAME groups at School and at the Club. As such, when requested, we will offer traditional after-school programs with stable Club groups. You can read the Sonoma County Health Services Guidance on the subject here.

As always, we plan to operate as allowed by Sonoma County Public Health and the California Department of Education. Over the last 12 months, we’ve learned a lot about how to best prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our Clubs and what to do if someone at the Clubs has been exposed to the virus. We will do everything we can to ensure kids & adults are safe in our care.

To learn more about how we are operate & what we do in the case of COVID exposure, we invite you to review this presentation from the Public Health Department.

Update from December 8,2020

1. Will Distance Learning Clubs remain open if Sonoma County moves into a more severe shelter-in-place order (ie: The Governor’s New Plan)?

Yes! We plan to remain open as allowed by Sonoma County Public Health and the California Department of Education. We’ve learned a lot about how to best prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our Clubs and what to do if someone at the Clubs has been exposed to the virus.

To learn more about how we are operate & what we do in the case of COVID exposure, we invite you to review this presentation from the Public Health Department.

Update from August 17, 2020

1. What new safety protocols have been implemented for Distance Learning Clubs this fall?

First,  Face coverings will be required for all children and staff.

Second, we’ve changed our health screening/drop off process. Please arrive between 8:00 & 8:15 for wellness check. Please drive up, scan QR Code, fill out health screening form and wait for your child’s temperature to be taken. Your child can exit car when cleared and go to assigned room. 

As implemented over the summer, we continue to ask that you do not bring your child(ren) to the Clubs if any member of your household, including your child, has a fever, cough or shortness of breath in the last 24 hours or if the child has contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus in the last two weeks. If your child(ren) starts to show these symptoms at Club, you will be contacted and must pick your child(ren) up immediately. For the safety of all, we ask that families practice social distancing wearing of masks when in public or at any social events. 

Additionally, Walk-ins are not allowed at any Club location. Each Club will follow social distancing, sanitation, and Sonoma County Public Health Guidelines described in detail below.

All other practices are listed below and will carry into the Fall Club Programs.

2. How will you support my child’s virtual learning? What other programs will you offer?

Our primary goal is to support our Members with the distance learning this fall! After their school day ends, we will offer high quality enrichment programs that focus on fitness & recreation, health & wellness, character development, & creative expression.

To better serve your child, please fill out this distant learning information form.

Additionally, please send your Members with their CHARGED Chromebook/device, headphones, workbooks, and passwords to learning platforms.  

Update from June 8, 2020

We’ve had a lot of changes at the Club this summer. Below are some of the questions we are getting with answers. If you have further questions about our Summer Club Operation.

1.     What does the Sonoma County Health Order/State Health Department say about how to run the Clubs? What will be different this summer vs. prior summers?

At this time, the County Health Order has allowed the Clubs to reopen for the general population. You can learn more by reading the current health order listed here. Section 5.c. specifically lists the restrictions and policies for child care & summer camp. Additional guidance from the State of California can be found here.

Groups of Kids

Under the current health order, Clubs must be provide supervision in a 12:1 ratio, meaning 12 kids in a group with one supervising adult. This is an increase of 40% for payroll alone.

Additionally, kids must remain in the same group of 12 and in the same classroom for their entire enrollment at the Club. This means children are not allowed to rotate groups. Thus, cost of supplies is also greatly increased as each group must have their own supplies and may not share.

Additionally, if a child is absent on a particular day, we aren’t allowed to fill the space with another Member. Thus, we incur the full expense per Camper, whether they attend or not; again increasing costs.

These changes are designed to provide greater social distancing (at least 6 feet) and allow for maintenance of highly sanitized sites. As such, there is an additional cost of both the supplies and the staffing to ensure that everything is properly sanitized throughout the day.

Space Use

Additionally, Members are to remain in the same classroom each day to limit cross contamination. We are not allowed to combine groups in large spaces (like in a gym or large classroom). As a result our Clubhouses can hold only a small amount of kids. Most Clubs are running at 24%-28% of their usual space capacity. Clubhouses have substantial fixed costs, such as utilities, which are now allocated across a much smaller number of youth.

A Club that usually serves 250 kids per day during summer camp might now be limited 60 or 72 kids.

2.   What are the impacts of these changes?

Simply, we aren’t able to serve as many young people each day and the cost of delivering service has dramatically increased.

In prior years, we were able to fundraise to greatly subsidize the fees asked of parents. This year, we do not have those resources available to us.

Summer fees.png

Because of this, we’ve had to raise our summer fees in order to operate.

We look forward to serving the community in our traditional way next summer and are glad we can at least offer some service in this difficult time.

3.   What about the grants & donations to help offset these costs for working families?

We do receive grants & donations to help us provide services at little or no costs in certain communities. Unfortunately, the State of California, County of Sonoma, and individual towns & cities are expecting massive budget cuts at nearly all levels. This includes the grants we use to provide our services.

Right now, we already know that most of the government grants that help fund our Clubs have received a 20% reduction.

Additionally, we’ve lost the ability to raise funds through special events like dinners, auctions, and golf tournaments. We’ve already had to cancel 4 of these types of events and more cancellations are likely. This is another reduction to our overall budget.

We are receiving these types of budget cuts at a time when the cost of serving families is at an all- time high. We are aware of at least $2 million in cuts for the year ahead.

4.   What if I want my child to come to the Club but I can’t afford the current fee?

We know the new cost of our summer program might be more than you can afford. We encourage you to email Jason Weiss at to learn more about alternative payment programs that may be available.

5.   What do you think next school year will look like?

We don’t know yet. We are working diligently with our school & community partners to be a part of the solution for families in this difficult time.

What we do know is that our model will comply with any current Sonoma County Health Order, be designed in partnership with our local school partners to best serve families, and implement best practices to keep Kids & families healthy and safe. Stay tuned!

UPDATE from May 7, 2020

Good News! The Club is open for your school-aged kids!

We can provide high quality programs for your children from 8 AM – 5:30 PM every day!

Interested in enrolling? It’s easy!

Visit our summer club registration to learn more.
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¡Los equipos del Club te desean lo mejor durante este refugio en el lugar! Sabemos que mantener a sus hijos aprendiendo y comprometidos es un trabajo duro y esperamos que encuentre todos los recursos que necesita para hacerlo.

¡Podemos ofrecer programas de alta calidad para sus hijos de 8AM a 5:30 PM todos los días!

Interesado en inscribirse? ¡Es fácil!

Visite nuestro registro de Summer Club para obtener más información.

UPDATE from March 31, 2020

As we move into April, it seems our Spring season will be spent away from the young people we love working with each day. While we are eager to have our clubs bustling with life & activity soon, we are providing essentials services throughout the community during the shelter-in-place.

WHEN: Monday – Friday, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERE: Guerneville Elementary School ( 16376 Fifth St. Guerneville, CA 95446) & Fife Creek Commons (7450 Santa Barbara Dr. Rohnert Park, CA 94928)
WHO: Any youth, 18 years old or younger

WHEN: Monday-Friday, beginning Monday April 8th, 7 AM – 7 PM
WHERE: Santa Rosa (School Site TBA) & our Rohnert Park Clubhouse (7450 Santa Barbara Dr., Rohnert Park, CA 94928)
WHO: School aged kids of hospital staff

HOW: To see if you qualify for care, please contact Catrina Dierke at cdierke@bgcsonoma-marin.orgLike most, the full Boys & Girls Clubs team is working remotely to comply with shelter-in-place guidance. We continue to employ our team so that we are ready to reopen as soon as school does. Remotely, we are doing all the program and staff development we can. We want our Club programs to be even better after this time!

If you need additional resources for your family at this time, below are a few resources that might be helpful.

Resources | Recursos

UPDATE from March 23, 2020, 9:00 AM

STARTING TODAY: We are partnering with the Guerneville School District (GSD), to provide lunch to ALL local children ages 18 and under, regardless of the school they attend. This is an essential function for our community.

WHEN: Monday – Friday, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERE: Guerneville Elementary School, 14630 Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville, CA 95446

Per USDA-federal regulations, children must be present in order for grab & go meals to be provided. As a precautionary measure, all visitors are being asked to remain in their cars.

Future central locations may be announced pending State approval.

COMENZANDO HOY: Estamos trabajando con el Distrito Escolar de Guerneville (GSD) para repartir almuerzos para TODOS los jovenes locales de 18 años o menos.

CUÁNDO: lunes a viernes de 11:30 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.
DONDE: Escuela primaria Guerneville, 14630 Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville, CA 95446

De acuerdo con las regulaciones federales del USDA, los niños deben estar presentes para que se les puedan entregar las comidas para llevar. Como medida de precaución, le pedimos a todos los visitantes que permanezcan en sus automóviles.

UPDATE from March 15, 2020



To clarify the grab and go meals at the locations and times listed above, here is more information:

  • They will not let a child go without a meal at these grab and go locations

  • Children 0-18 years may get a grab and go meal

  • If you cannot bring your chlld with you to get the meal just show any proof of attending our schools (school picture, letter, email etc.)

  • If your child must get the grab and go meal without an adult or older sibling, they will get a meal.

UPDATE from March 13, 2020

We will be closing all Spring Break Camps (Cloverdale, Rohnert Park, Windsor, Guerneville, Petaluma).

Our Martin Luther King Club in Marin City will be closed for the next two weeks.

La salud y la seguridad de nuestros miembros e empleados es nuestra prioridad. En consideración a la salud de nuestras familias, cerraremos todos los campamentos de vacaciones de primavera (Cloverdale, Rohnert Park, Windsor, Guerneville, Petaluma).

Nuestro Club Martin Luther King en Marin City permanecerá cerrado durante las próximas dos semanas.

Letter to Club Families

Dear Families,

At the Boys & Girls Clubs Sonoma-Marin, Members and employees safety and wellbeing is our number one priority.

In response to the current Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) issue in our community, we are currently following the guidance and expertise of local, state, and national health officials.

We are closely monitoring media reports and information being publicized by the CDC and School district partners regarding the growing concerns about its spread.

While there are currently no reports of this illness originating in our community, we are taking additional measures of prevention at the Clubs and are preparing for scenarios in the event school districts announce closures. 

If your child feels unwell
Your child should stay home when sick with respiratory symptoms like fever and cough.  They should remain at home until fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines. 

If your child feels unwell at the Club, our staff will contact you to pick them up as soon as possible to protect the other children and families in our care.

If your child or family member is diagnosed with COVID-19
In addition to notifying their school, please contact your Boys & Girls Club immediately.  We will maintain your family’s confidentiality as we respond.  Additionally, we will follow guidance regarding the closure of our impacted Clubs.

At the Club
We are encouraging all youth in our care, as well as our Team members, to wash their hands regularly and have signs posted in Clubhouse bathrooms in English and Spanish. Our youth and Team Members are also encouraged to follow safe coughing & sneezing habits to prevent the spread of germs; which is supported with posted English and Spanish signs.   

Our Team Members are also tasked with helping prevent the spread of germs by cleaning and disinfecting the Club daily.  If a Team Member feels unwell, we are asking them to stay home with the same advice – they should remain at home until fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines.  In addition, we are in communication with Team Members who may have international travel plans to ensure both our Organization is taking the appropriate precautions based on advice from US Department of StateCenter for Disease Control, and/or the World Health Organization.

We encourage you to talk with your family regularly about how to stay healthy during this time and discuss any potential impacts this disease might have on our daily lives. Additionally, please help your children stay calm during this time.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your family!

Dana McCune
Vice President of Youth Impact

Carta para las Familias de Nuestros Clubs

Queridas familias,

En los Boys & Girls Clubs de Sonoma-Marin, la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros Miembros e empleados es nuestra prioridad principal.

En respuesta a la edición actual del Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) en nuestra comunidad, actualmente estamos siguiendo la guia y experiencia de los funcionarios de salud locales, estatales y nacionales.

Estamos monitoreando de cerca los informes de los medios de comunicación y la información que están siendo publicitados por los CDC y los socios del distrito escolar con respecto a las crecientes preocupaciones sobre su propagación.

Aunque actualmente no hay informes de esta enfermedad originando en nuestra comunidad, estamos tomando medidas adicionales de prevención en los Clubes y nos estamos preparando para escenarios en el caso de que los distritos escolares anuncien cierres. 

Si su hijo se siente mal
Su hijo debe permanecer en casa cuando está enfermo con síntomas respiratorios como fiebre y tos.  Deben permanecer en casa hasta que estén libres de fiebre durante al menos 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. 

Sí su hijo se siente mal en el Club, nuestro personal se pondrá en contacto con usted para recogerlo mas pronto posible para proteger a los otros niños y familias en nuestro cuidado.

Sí su hijo o familiar es diagnosticado con COVID-19
Además de notificar a su escuela, póngase en contacto con su Boys & Girls Club inmediatamente.  Mantendremos la confidencialidad de su familia mientras respondamos.  Además, seguiremos las instrucciones sobre el cierre de nuestros Clubes afectados.

En el Club
Estamos alentando a todos los jóvenes bajo nuestro cuidado, así como a los miembros de nuestro Equipo, a lavarse las manos regularmente y a tener letreros en los baños del Clubhouse en inglés y español. También se alienta a nuestros jóvenes y miembros del equipo a seguir hábitos seguros de tos y estornudos para prevenir la propagación de gérmenes; que es compatible con carteles publicados en inglés y español.

Los miembros de nuestro equipo también tienen la tarea de ayudar a prevenir la propagación de gérmenes al limpiar y desinfectar el club a diario. Si un miembro del equipo se siente mal, le pedimos que se quede en casa con el mismo consejo: debe permanecer en casa hasta que no tenga fiebre durante al menos 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Además, nos comunicamos con los miembros del equipo que pueden tener planes de viaje internacionales para garantizar que nuestra organización tome las precauciones adecuadas según los consejos del Departamento de Estado de EE. UU., Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades y la Organización Mundial de la Salud.  ¡Gracias por permitirnos ser parte de su familia!


Dana McCune
Boys & Girls of Sonoma-Marin
Vicepresidenta de Youth Impact


How to Check on Your Child’s Emotional Health


Club Impact: Emotional Health